A Site Dedicated to Healthy Living and Healthy Aging

Several years ago, I started exploring healthy living and healthy aging by reviewing scientific research available on the internet. PUBMED became my nightly go-to reading while my wife was hooked on the best of Netflix. Between episodes she’d call out “Honey, what are you reading?” My answers were something like: “the Krebs cycle” or “Intermittent fasting” or “Low-grade inflammation defined as the chronic production, but at a low-grade state…..”

The research soon created a passion in me to better understand what happens with our bodies as we age, and, more importantly, to better understand what it is that we can control to do a better job of looking after our health.

Note: PUBMED is a free, full-text archive of over 8.3 million biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine.

Recipe for Healthy Living and Healthy Aging

The following are the scientifically and medically promoted goals for healthy living and healthy aging:

  • Eat healthy foods
  • Regular exercise
  • Restorative sleep
  • Social engagement
  • Stress management
  • Stimulate your brain
  • Understand how your body works
  • Consume appropriate supplements
  • Have a sense of purpose/hobby to get you out of bed each morning

One more ingredient we can do for ourselves, that, for many, may be controversial, but science has proven its many benefits over and over:

    I am assembling much of my research in my blogs, so I can share what I have learned.

    Browse by Category

    What are these categories about?

    1. Healthy Aging – Anti Aging – the Research is an overview of what is transpiring in the science of Gerontology (Healthy Aging). “Gerontology is the study of the social, cultural, psychological, cognitive, and biological aspects of aging.” -Wikipedia. I try to summarize various research topics and provide links to many non-commercial websites that give you the latest healthy aging/anti-aging research, informative blogs, and information about the current “off-market” drugs and/or supplements that could help towards healthy aging.

    2. How your body works is a collection of blog posts on many of the topics we should have learned in 10th grade biology, but, like me, probably didn’t! Scientific research is now evolving far more quickly than ever before. We have tremendous computing power and tools that help turn weeks into days and/or hours when engaging in research. I try to give simple overviews of human biology, how things work, and what we can do to continue to maintain healthy lifestyles.

    3. Food as Medicine identifies products and ingredients readily available to most of us which help our bodies to be at their best.

    4. Supplements for healthy aging reviews supplements that I have researched and, in my personal opinion, found to be very important to healthy living and healthy aging.

    5. Let’s talk Antioxidants and Free Radicals attempts to simplify some of the key words, definitions and concepts of healthy living, healthy aging.

    6. Interesting research is a series of blogs that present research which should give us “food for thought” about healthy living and healthy aging.

    7. Informative websites I like lists some of the better articles I have read.

    8. One sentence Tutoring provides interesting tidbits I have come across in my research.

    9. It’s My Crazy Healthy Brew – While doing my research, I created a powdered brew from natural herb and spice extracts, with no additives, for myself and family. These ingredients do a lot more for our bodies on a daily basis than that glass of orange juice we were told we should have each morning. I document the ingredients and their benefits for healthy living in this category. I now sell these powdered blends. To learn more, see BENEFITS CHART or SHOP MY BLENDS.